Alice Duncan - [Daisy Gumm Majesty 01] Strong Spirits

Posted by M@storo on Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Alice Duncan - [Daisy Gumm Majesty 01] Strong Spirits

Welcome to sunny Pasadena, California, just a stone's throw from Hollywood. The twenties are in full roar, Prohobition isn't stopping anybody... And Daisy Gumm Majesty is getting by the best way she knows how–catering to the rich and famous as a medium who put the "con" in conjuror...

Holding seances and interpreting tarot cards, she has built up quite a reputation. One client, in particular, has a great need for her services. Mrs. Kincaid relies on Daisy's advice on a regular basis. When the wealthy Kincaids become involved in bank fraud, Daisy is asked to keep her eyes and ears open by Detective Sam Rotondo.

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