Aliyah Burke - [Trescott Cove 1,5] Zora's Chance

Posted by M@storo on Sunday, April 15, 2012

Zora Nicolette knew she was in trouble when the sensual Chance Jameson moved in next door. He was sin personified and she wanted to shatter his rigid control. She knew he had secrets but couldn't resist taking a chance for a walk on the wild side.

Chance Jameson knew the delectable Zora Nicolette would be his downfall from time she showed up at his house bearing a basket full of mouth-watering gifts. What he really wanted could not be found on any menu. At least none that wouldn't get him into the most decadent problems. Problems that would be worth any moment spent in Zora's arms.

She is his temptation and he is Zora's Chance.

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