Frederik Pohl & C M Kombluth - Gladiator At Law

Posted by M@storo on Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Frederik Pohl & C M Kombluth - Gladiator At Law

America two hundred years hence with the poulation strictly divided into the "haves", who live in electronically operated dream-dwellings, and the slum-dwellers. The chief hope of escape for the latter is to win a prize at one of the organized Field Days that are bloodthirsty reminders of the Roman Games. Lawyer Mundin and a atrange bunch of friends plan to change all that.

Caution! You are about to enter a world...
...where all engineering ingenuity has been employed for public spectacles of torture and death.
...where the stock market operated with pari-mutuel machines.
...where a court clerk transcribes testimony on punch cards, then feeds it to a jury machine.
...where the dream real-estate development of today has become a cracked-concrete savage jungle.

Frederik Pohl & C M Kombluth - Gladiator At Law

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