Frederik Pohl - The Way the Future Was

Posted by M@storo on Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Frederik Pohl - The Way the Future Was 

16 pages of fabulous candid photos

Award-winning writer, whiz-kid editor, wide-eyed fan, pioneering anthologist, and demon literary agent - Frederik Pohl's been all over the science-fiction field, including a stretch as President of the Science Fiction Writers of America. Here is his story of how he get to all those places and what it was like getting there. In it you will find. What Isaac Asimov was like at 19. The truth behind the great World SF Convention War of 1939. How a teenager became a mover and shaker in the bizarre world of the pulp magazines. The strange mating rites of the sf community. How to represent most of the best sf writers and go broke. The dreams of new worlds and universes behind a body of completely original writing that has enlarged the horizons of three generations of readers..and netted the writers 1/2c to 3c per word. It's been a long road from the scruffy Ivory Tower where the Futurians denned to a time when much that was science fiction is now reality - and Fred Pohl retraces it all with candor, wit, and abiding love.

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